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01 Jan 2000

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This article argues article that Genesis Garden of Eden and its concept of a resting God setting aside a seventh day as a Sabbath rest day is derived, in part, from. Play Earn to Die 2 Exodus hacked and unblocked by RedAssedBaboon. Press the keys J Toggle Fuel. K Toggle Ammo. L Toggle Nitro. Play PreCivilization Bronze Age From ArcadePrehacks. Immerse yourself in the Mesopotamian Middle East between 6000 BC and 2000 BC. Start with a plot of land. A noisy cheer went up from the crowd of hackers clustered around the voting machine tucked into the back corner of a casino conference roomtheyd just managed to. Hacked Online Games has the best collection of hacked games and we are happy to invite you to visit our resource. Free to play AdVenture Capitalist 2. Unblocked Hacked at HackedGames. Guru. Keyhack 1 add money, 2 add angels. IUBTS4DGF8S.jpg' alt='Pre Civilization Age Hacked' />Female genital mutilation Wikipedia. DefinitionPartial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non medical reasons WHO, UNICEF, and UNFPA, 1. Areas. Africa, Asia, Middle East, and within communities from these areas2Numbers. Over 2. 00 million women and girls in 2. African countries Indonesia Iraqi Kurdistan and Yemen as of 2. Age. Days after birth to puberty4Prevalence. Female genital mutilation FGM, also known as female genital cutting and female circumcision, is the ritual cutting or removal of some or all of the external female genitalia. Pre Civilization Age Hacked' />The practice is found in Africa, Asia and the Middle East, and within communities from countries in which FGM is common. UNICEF estimated in 2. African countries, Indonesia, Iraqi Kurdistan and Yemenhave undergone the procedures. Typically carried out by a traditional circumciser using a blade, FGM is conducted from days after birth to puberty and beyond. In half the countries for which national figures are available, most girls are cut before the age of five. Procedures differ according to the country or ethnic group. They include removal of the clitoral hood and clitoral glans removal of the inner labia and removal of the inner and outer labia and closure of the vulva. Pre Civilization Age Hacked' />Free to play DBZ Devolution 1. Unblocked Hacked at HackedGames. Guru. Keyhack 1 toggle P1 health, 2 toggle P1 Energy, 3 toggle P2 health, 4 toggle P2. JeanBaptiste Chevance senses that were closing in on our target. Paused in a jungle clearing in northwestern Cambodia, the French archaeologist studies his GPS. Hacked Arcade Games Our users add Hacked Games and ArcadePreHacks daily to help you win playing your favourite Pre Hacked Games We provide the best and original. Human sacrifice is the act of killing one or more humans, usually as an offering to a deity, as part of a ritual. Human sacrifice has been practiced in various. In this last procedure, known as infibulation, a small hole is left for the passage of urine and menstrual fluid the vagina is opened for intercourse and opened further for childbirth. The practice is rooted in gender inequality, attempts to control womens sexuality, and ideas about purity, modesty and beauty. It is usually initiated and carried out by women, who see it as a source of honour, and who fear that failing to have their daughters and granddaughters cut will expose the girls to social exclusion. Health effects depend on the procedure. They can include recurrent infections, difficulty urinating and passing menstrual flow, chronic pain, the development of cysts, an inability to get pregnant, complications during childbirth, and fatal bleeding. There are no known health benefits. There have been international efforts since the 1. FGM, and it has been outlawed or restricted in most of the countries in which it occurs, although the laws are poorly enforced. Since 2. 01. 0 the United Nations has called upon healthcare providers to stop performing all forms of the procedure, including reinfibulation after childbirth and symbolic nicking of the clitoral hood. The opposition to the practice is not without its critics, particularly among anthropologists, who have raised difficult questions about cultural relativism and the universality of human rights. Terminology. Until the 1. FGM was widely known in English as female circumcision, implying an equivalence in severity with male circumcision. From 1. 92. 9 the Kenya Missionary Council referred to it as the sexual mutilation of women, following the lead of Marion Scott Stevenson, a Church of Scotland missionary. References to the practice as mutilation increased throughout the 1. In 1. 97. 5 Rose Oldfield Hayes, an American anthropologist, used the term female genital mutilation in the title of a paper in American Ethnologist,1. Fran Hosken, an Austrian American feminist writer, called it mutilation in her influential The Hosken Report Genital and Sexual Mutilation of Females. The Inter African Committee on Traditional Practices Affecting the Health of Women and Children began referring to it as female genital mutilation in 1. World Health Organization WHO followed suit in 1. Other English terms include female genital cutting FGC and female genital mutilationcutting FGMC, preferred by those who work with practitioners. In countries where FGM is common, the practices many variants are reflected in dozens of terms, often alluding to purification. In the Bambara language, spoken mostly in Mali, it is known as bolokoli washing your hands1. Igbo language in eastern Nigeria as isa aru or iwu aru having your bath. A common Arabic term for purification has the root t h r, used for male and female circumcision tahur and tahara. It is also known in Arabic as khaf or khifa. Communities may refer to FGM as pharaonic for infibulation and sunna circumcision for everything else. Sunna means path or way in Arabic and refers to the tradition of Muhammad, although none of the procedures are required within Islam. The term infibulation derives from fibula, Latin for claspthe Ancient Romans reportedly fastened clasps through the foreskins or labia of slaves to prevent sexual intercourse. The surgical infibulation of women came to be known as pharaonic circumcision in Sudan, but as Sudanese circumcision in Egypt. In Somalia it is known simply as qodob to sew up. Methods. The procedures are generally performed by a traditional circumciser cutter or exciseuse in the girls homes, with or without anaesthesia. The cutter is usually an older woman, but in communities where the male barber has assumed the role of health worker he will perform FGM too. When traditional cutters are involved, non sterile devices are likely to be used, including knives, razors, scissors, glass, sharpened rocks and fingernails. According to a nurse in Uganda, quoted in 2. The Lancet, a cutter would use one knife on up to 3. Health professionals are often involved in Egypt, Kenya, Indonesia and Sudan. In Egypt 7. 7 percent of FGM procedures, and in Indonesia over 5. Women in Egypt reported in 1. Classification. Variation. The WHO, UNICEF and UNFPA issued a joint statement in 1. FGM as all procedures involving partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs whether for cultural or other non therapeutic reasons. The procedures vary considerably according to ethnicity and individual practitioners. During a 1. 99. 8 survey in Niger, women responded with over 5. Translation problems are compounded by the womens confusion over which type of FGM they experienced, or even whether they experienced it. Several studies have suggested that survey responses are unreliable. A 2. 00. 3 study in Ghana found that in 1. How To Install Gacutil On Windows Server 2012. FGM, but in 2. 00. In Tanzania in 2. FGM, but a medical exam found that 7. In Sudan in 2. 00. UN typology. Standard questionnaires from United Nations bodies ask women whether they or their daughters have undergone the following 1 cut, no flesh removed pricking or symbolic circumcision 2 cut, some flesh removed 3 sewn closed or 4 type not determinedunsuredoesnt know. The most common procedures fall within the cut, some flesh removed category and involve complete or partial removal of the clitoral glans. WHO Types IIIThe World Health Organization created a more detailed typology. Types IIII vary in how much tissue is removed Type III is the UNICEF category sewn closed. Type IV describes miscellaneous procedures, including symbolic circumcision. Type 1 is partial or total removal of the clitoris andor the prepuce. Type Ia circumcision3. This is rarely performed alone. The more common procedure is Type Ib clitoridectomy, the complete or partial removal of the clitoral glans the visible tip of the clitoris and clitoral hood. Human sacrifice Wikipedia. Jeremy Robinson Facebook. Human sacrifice is the act of killing one or more humans, usually as an offering to a deity, as part of a ritual. Human sacrifice has been practiced in various cultures throughout history. Victims were typically ritually killed in a manner that was supposed to please or appease gods, spirits or the deceased, for example as a propitiatory offering or as a retainer sacrifice when a kings servants are killed in order for them to continue to serve their master in the next life. Closely related practices found in some tribal societies are cannibalism and headhunting. By the Iron Age, with the associated developments in religion the Axial Age, human sacrifice was becoming less common throughout the Old World, and came to be looked down upon as barbaric in classical antiquity. In the New World, however, human sacrifice continued to be widespread to varying degrees until the European colonization of the Americas. In modern times, even the practice of animal sacrifice has disappeared from many religions, and human sacrifice has become extremely rare. Most religions condemn the practice, and modern secular laws treat it as murder. In a society which condemns human sacrifice, the term ritual murder is used. Human sacrifice is distinguished from infanticide. Infanticide is deliberately causing the death of an unwanted infant or young child, but without a ritualistic or religious purpose. Evolution and contexteditThe idea of human sacrifice has its roots in deep prehistory,4 in the evolution of human behaviour. From its historical occurrences it seems mostly associated with neolithic or nomadic cultures, on the emergent edge of civilization. The Ashanti yam festival, early 1. Human sacrifice has been practiced on a number of different occasions and in many different cultures. The various rationales behind human sacrifice are the same that motivate religious sacrifice in general. Human sacrifice is intended to bring good fortune and to pacify the gods, for example in the context of the dedication of a completed building like a temple or bridge. In ancient Japan, legends talk about hitobashira human pillar, in which maidens were buried alive at the base or near some constructions to protect the buildings against disasters or enemy attacks,5 and an almost identical myth appears in the Albanian epos where a sacrifice of a young mother still nursing her child will keep the city of Skadar today Shkodr in the northern tip of Albania walls from evil. See Bridge of Arta. For the re consecration of the Great Pyramid of Tenochtitlan in 1. Aztecs reported that they killed about 8. According to Ross Hassig, author of Aztec Warfare, between 1. Human sacrifice can also have the intention of winning the gods favour in warfare. In Homeric legend, Iphigeneia was to be sacrificed by her father Agamemnon to appease Artemis so she would allow the Greeks to wage the Trojan War. According to the Bible, Jephthah vowed to devote to God the first creature to come out of his house to meet him if he won the battle against the Ammonites. Judges 1. 1 3. 0 3. And Jephthah vowed a vow unto the Lord, and said, If thou shalt without fail deliver the children of Ammon into mine hands, Then it shall be, that whatsoever cometh forth of the doors of my house to meet me, when I return in peace from the children of Ammon, shall surely be the Lords, and I will Him a burnt offering. His daughter was the first to come out and meet him. Judges 1. 1 3. 4 And Jephthah came to Mizpeh unto his house, and, behold, his daughter came out to meet him with timbrels and with dances and she was his only child beside her he had neither son nor daughter. Although there is some uncertainty as to whether this was human sacrifice or consecration,7 academia discusses this in the context of human sacrifice, drawing parallels to Abrahams near sacrifice of Isaac. In some notions of an afterlife, the deceased will benefit from victims killed at his funeral. Mongols, Scythians, early Egyptians and various Mesoamerican chiefs could take most of their household, including servants and concubines, with them to the next world. This is sometimes called a retainer sacrifice, as the leaders retainers would be sacrificed along with their master, so that they could continue to serve him in the afterlife. Another purpose is divination from the body parts of the victim. According to Strabo, Celts stabbed a victim with a sword and divined the future from his death spasms. Headhunting is the practice of taking the head of a killed adversary, for ceremonial or magical purposes, or for reasons of prestige. It was found in many pre modern tribal societies. Human sacrifice may be a ritual practiced in a stable society, and may even be conductive to enhance societal bonds see Sociology of religion, both by creating a bond unifying the sacrificing community, and in combining human sacrifice and capital punishment, by removing individuals that have a negative effect on societal stability criminals, religious heretics, foreign slaves or prisoners of war. But outside of civil religion, human sacrifice may also result in outbursts of blood frenzy and mass killings that destabilize society. The bursts of human sacrifice during European witch hunts,1. French Revolutionary Reign of Terror, show similar sociological patternscitation needed see also Moral panic. Many cultures show traces of prehistoric human sacrifice in their mythologies and religious texts, but ceased the practice before the onset of historical records. Some see the story of Abraham and Isaac Genesis 2. The Vedic Purushamedha literally human sacrifice is already a purely symbolic act in its earliest attestation. According to Pliny the Elder, human sacrifice in Ancient Rome was abolished by a senatorial decree in 9. BCE, although by this time the practice had already become so rare that the decree was mostly a symbolic act. Human sacrifice once abolished is typically replaced by either animal sacrifice, or by the mock sacrifice of effigies, such as the Argei in ancient Rome. History by regioneditAncient Near EasteditAncient EgypteditThere may be evidence of retainer sacrifice in the early dynastic period at Abydos, when on the death of a King he would be accompanied with servants, and possibly high officials, who would continue to serve him in eternal life. The skeletons that were found had no obvious signs of trauma, leading to speculation that the giving up of life to serve the King may have been a voluntary act, possibly carried out in a drug induced state. At about 2. 80. 0 BCE any possible evidence of such practices disappeared, though echoes are perhaps to be seen in the burial of statues of servants in Old Kingdom tombs. MesopotamiaeditRetainer sacrifice was practised within the royal tombs of ancient Mesopotamia. Courtiers, guards, musicians, handmaidens and grooms were presumed to have committed ritual suicide by taking poison. A new examination of skulls from the royal cemetery at Ur, discovered in Iraq almost a century ago, appears to support a more grisly interpretation of human sacrifices associated with elite burials in ancient Mesopotamia than had previously been recognized, say archaeologists. Palace attendants, as part of royal mortuary ritual, were not dosed with poison to meet death serenely. Instead, they were put to death by having a sharp instrument, such as a pike, driven into their heads.