A problem statement addresses an area that has gone wrong. In writing one, you must discuss what the problem is, why it’s a problem in the first place, and how you propose it should be fixed. Take a look at these four effective problem statement examples to better understand how you can write a great problem statement of your own, whether for a school project or business proposal.

people in ER waiting room

Stating a Problem in Scientific Research

See full list on ukessays.com. DESIGNING OF SYSTEM- Bank Management System Project The design of the information system produce the detail that state how a system will meet the requirement identified during system analysis often refer to this stage as logical design, The Top Management project-report-banking-management-system in vb technology discussion Bank Management System model report.doc in contrast to the. The customer problem is independent and preexisting. A badly written customer problem statement. Customers want to be able to pay bills using their smartphone camera. This is a poor customer problem statement for a project to build a feature which enables customers to pay bills using their smartphone cameras. BANK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Aim: - Define Problem statement and Project scope of Bank Management System. Theory: This system provides the basic services to manage bank accounts at a bank. Bank has many branches, each of which has an address and branch number. A client opens accounts at a branch. Each account is uniquely identified.

The best way to write a problem statement is to start with a basic structure. This will ensure that you hit on all the key points. When formulating a research proposal in science or for a school project, you can focus on four key aspects: context, issue, relevance, and objective. In an actual statement, you would not need to label these four parts; they’re simply labeled here for clarity.

After exercising, the human body is depleted of hydration and electrolytes from sweating. (Context)

The person then needs to decide how best to rehydrate the body and replenish the lost electrolytes. (Issue)

Not all beverages are equally beneficial after exercise. The coach must decide what drink to offer volleyball players during a game or practice. (Relevance)


In this experiment, we will investigate the electrolyte content found in standard sports drink compared to what is found in plain coconut water. (Objective)

Formulating Effective Business Objectives

In business, it’s incredibly valuable to be able to write a clear and direct statement of the problem. This is true even in the context of an informal business proposal, like an email you might send to your manager. Again, sticking to a basic prescribed structure helps you to focus on the problem and how to solve it. For instance, you might format your proposal with a vision, an issue statement, and a proposed method.

Remote workers across the company should be able to communicate with one another seamlessly and effortlessly, without getting bogged down in unnecessary or irrelevant messages. (Vision)

Right now, messages tend to get lost or cluttered through multiple email strings. This results not only in lost productivity, but also multiple problems in miscommunication. (Issue statement)

I propose that all employees sign up for Slack and use it for the majority of in-company communication. Conversations can be easily searched and organized by channel. Only more formal communication, like official announcements, should be sent over email. (Proposed method)

Engineering Problem Statement Example

The best examples of problem statements stick to a clear and obvious structure. Engineering problems are no exception. While the exact words may differ from example to example, the main parts of an effective problem statement are fundamentally the same.

The manufacturing and assembly process for Product X is as efficient as possible. (Ideal)

Currently, certain parts need to be transported from one assembly line to the next and installed by hand. (Reality)

The incremental loss in efficiency means that Company Y has not been meeting its production goals this year. (Consequences)

To reduce the need for manual transport of parts, conveyor belts and mechanical robot arms should be installed between assembly lines. This way, workers can stay at their respective stations rather than having to walk back and forth across the assembly room floor. (Proposal)

Describing a Healthcare Issue

Another way to think about writing problem statements is to ensure that you include all five Ws (and one H). Who is this problem for? What is it? When and where does this problem exist? Why does it need to be addressed? How can we solve it? Here’s an example from the context of healthcare:

Townsville General Hospital (where) operates 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. As such, patient needs must be addressed all around the clock. For the overnight shift (when), there are currently no cardiology technologists scheduled (what), which can create issues for emergency staff (who).

Some patients wait for four hours or more for a medical laboratory assistant to administer an electrocardiogram (ECG), a task better suited for a cardiology technologist to perform and interpret. This results in poorer patient care and worse health outcomes (why).

The hospital should always have a cardiology technologist available, even if they are only on call for the overnight shift (how).


Solution to the Problem

Just like all the other writing that you do, the most important point to keep in mind with writing problem statements is to be clear and concise. The person reading your problem statement should immediately understand the issue and the proposed solution. For more practice in this style of writing, try your hand at some technical writing assignments. Focus your writing so that it’s useful and descriptive. This is a very practical kind of writing.

B.A. Psychology & English

Published on Sep 18, 2019


The limited time and resources have restricted us to incorporate, in this project, only a main activities that are performed in a Bank Management System, but utmost care has been taken to make the system efficient and user friendly. 'Bank Management System' has been designed to computerized the following functions that are performed by the system:

Customer Details Functions

• Opening a New Account

• Closing the existing Account

• Modification to customer details

• Daily transaction record to require customer A/C

Fixed Deposit Functions

• Open New Fixed Deposit

• Details of Fixed Deposit in Bank

• Close particular Fixed Deposit in Maturity

• Fixed Deposit amount report on Maturity

Problem Statement Bank Management System

Report/Details Functions

• Statement of customer Account

a.1) Monthly statement

a.2) Daily statement

• Total numbers of Customer in Bank

• Total balance in Bank

• Individual Customer Report

Authorization Functions

• Password checking functions

. Password change functions


The basic objective of Bank Management System is to generalize and simplify the day to day or activities of Company like New Account opening, Daily transaction, Report/Statements etc. which has to be performed repeatedly on regular basis. To provide efficient, fast, reliable and user-friendly system is the basic motto behind this exercise.

A bank is a primer body is sources of money storage where we can deposit the money when we not much needed and can withdraw whenever require. In Bank, we can issue cheque or draft, which are other way of transferring the money from one source to other.

Problem Statement Blood Bank Management System

Problem Statement Bank Management System