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Xcode Developer Tools includes one called Quartz Debug, that can be used to disable System Beam and allow your virtualized OSX works more smooth and fluid.
It's used to test and optimize graphics performance when writing a new Cocoa program. One thing bugging me with Quartz Debug version 4.0 in Snow Leopard is that the window list which listed all the open windows on the system along with their id, size, and memory consumption statistics is. MacOS图形性能调试工具Quartz Debug. 在macOS上有个专门来调试图形性能的工具,叫做,Quartz Debug 。它存在于一个叫做AdditionalToolsforXcode的扩展工具包中,每个xcode版本都有对应的扩展工具包dmg,如xcode10.1,需要下载AdditionalToolsforXcode10.1,可以在这里下载到。. The XQuartz project is an open-source effort to develop a version of the X.Org X Window System that runs on macOS. Together with supporting libraries and applications, it forms the that Apple shipped with OS X versions 10.5 through 10.7.
Wow, the new windows pane really is way more useful. I always use Quartz Debugger whenever I get some phantom window and I can't figure out what process it belongs to. Gta 5 dmg.
I love the new this new Window Info window too it really is way more useful than the old one and I can't for the love of god understand why Apple would hide this.
Unless of course it's a feature reserved to registered developers (who are under NDA) or something like this.
Apparently I forgot to log when I submitted this hint because it credits anonymous (arg he is everywhere ;-)) as the author instead of me.
And there is a 'be' missing between 'this can easily' and 'verified'.
I'll write a followup when I find how to activate/use the profiler or the server mode.
None of these work on 10.8, but defaults write QuartzDebugPrivateInterface -bool true
enables the window list and shadow cache windows. See 10.7:Quartz Debug 4.2 hidden prefs - Mac OS X Hints.
Quartz Debug is no longer installed with Xcode, but can be downloaded from