Please note: If you are running macOS 10.15 Catalina or newer you will be able to buy and play Mac applications that are 64-bit only. See additional ways to play 32-bit Mac apps below. What is happening with 32-bit Mac apps? Apple is dropping support for 32-bit Mac applications in October with their release of macOS Catalina 10.15. GnuCash is personal and small-business financial-accounting software, freely licensed under the GNU GPL and available for GNU/Linux, BSD, Solaris, Mac OS X and Microsoft Windows. Designed to be easy to use, yet powerful and flexible, GnuCash allows you to track bank accounts, stocks, income and expenses. As quick and intuitive to use as a. Several applications are designed to offer this solution for Windows systems. 7-Zip and DMG Extractor are the best options to open DMG file on Windows because they are compatible with the most DMG. Jul 10, 2018 Burn DMG file in Windows to bootable macOS DVD disc - Duration. EASY WAY HOW TO CREATE INSTALLER BOOT MAC OS X DVD DISK OR USB. This will download steam.dmg to your /Downloads folder. Open your Downloads folder and double-click. Click the “Updates” tab and ensure the “Enable Steam Cloud synchronization” option is checked for the game. If this option isn’t checked, Steam won’t automatically download your cloud saves—or upload any new ones. It doesn't say anything at all. The icon shows up in the dock for a second and then fanishes. People from other discussions recommended to delete Users User Library Application Support Steam registry.vdf and open Steam again.

When you download an app or a piece of software on your Mac, the file is usually downloaded as a DMG file. DMG files serve as containers for apps in macOS. You just need to double-click the downloaded DMG file, drag the app to the Applications folder, then unmount the installer. This way, the installation process has been simplified and users don’t have to suffer the hassle of installation wizards that are plaguing Windows users.

Although the installation process sounds simple, it is much more complicated than that. The contents of the DMG goes through a checksum process to verify that the file is 100% intact and that it hasn’t been tampered with. Once the file has been verified, it is then decompressed. DMG files are designed for macOS and you can’t run them on Windows devices.

DMG files make app installations on macOS a lot quicker and easier. However, there have been several reports from users about the .dmg file not opening on Mac. There are different versions to this error, but the end scenario is the same: for some reason, users are unable to open the .dmg file on Mac. This guide will discuss why some users have trouble opening a DMG file and how to resolve this issue.

Unable to Open .DMG File on Mac

Installing a DMG file on Mac should be as easy as double-clicking the file and dragging the app to the Applications folder. However, the process is not as smooth for some Mac users because they are not able to open the DMG file to start with. According to user reports, the download process was completed and there were no issues with unzipping. But when it comes to opening the unzipped files, nothing happens. Some users who encounter this issue get the resource temporarily unavailable error while others noted no activity happening no matter how many times the file is clicked.

Others encounter this error message when opening the DMG file:

There is no default application specified to open the document.

When the user tries to open it, either the options are grayed out or nothing happens when any of the options are clicked. This error has caused the affected Mac users to be frustrated. The users who encountered this error tried to redownload the file using a different Mac and the DMG file seems to be working fine, which means that the problem lies with the device itself. But what causes DMG files to not open on Mac?

Why Your .DMG File Is Not Opening on Mac

Some users noted that they cannot open the .dmg file on Mac after updating to Catalina, but there are also those who encountered this error when running an older version of macOS. This means that the problem is not unique to Catalina but it is something that affects the entire macOS system.

Here are some of the possible reasons why some users are having trouble opening DMG files:

  • If your Mac is running Catalina, check the version of the app you are trying to open. Catalina no longer supports 32-bit apps. So if you’re trying to download and install a 32-bit app, then you might not be able to install it on Catalina.
  • If you have poor or unstable internet connection, it is possible that the file was not downloaded completely, resulting in errors when accessing the file.
  • If you downloaded the file from an untrustworthy source, it might be a fake DMG file or it could be loaded with malware.
  • It is also likely that the DMG file you downloaded is corrupted. An interrupted download process and malware infection are the two leading causes of file corruption.

Hence, before you start the troubleshooting process, here are some things you need to consider:

  • Download the file once again using a different internet connection. Try using a wired connection if possible.
  • Scan the file for malware infection, especially if the file was downloaded from an untrustworthy source.
  • Download the file from another source. If the app is not available on the Mac App Store, visit the developer’s website and download the installer from there instead.
  • If you’re running macOS Catalina, make sure that you are downloading the 64-bit version of the app.

How to Open .DMG File on Mac

If you’re having trouble opening the DMG file on Mac, here are some of the things you can do:

Method #1. Use DiskImageMounter.

  1. After downloading the DMG file, right-click or Command + click on the file.
  2. Choose Open With from the menu, then select DiskImageMounter.
  3. Depending on the size of your file, you should see the mounted Disk Image appear on your Desktop.
  4. If you don’t see the Disk Image, choose Other from the right-click menu.
  5. Navigate to /System/Library/CoreServices/
  6. The DMG file should now be mounted.

Method #2. Mount the .DMG File via Terminal

If the right-click menu is grayed out or nothing happens when you click any of the Open With options, you can try mounting the file using Terminal instead. Drag the file to the Desktop and follow the steps below:

  1. Open the Terminal app by going to Finder > Applications > Utilities.
  2. In the Terminal window, type in the following command and press Enter: cd ~/Desktop
  3. Next, type in this command, then press Enter: hdiutil attach filename.dmg
  4. Replace filename.dmg with the actual .dmg file name.
  5. After executing the two command lines, your .dmg file will now be mounted on your Mac.

Method #3: Use a Third-Party Tool.

If you cannot open the DMG file using the two methods above, you can try using a third-party utility instead. Here are some of the apps you can try:


Installing applications on macOS is a lot simpler compared to installing programs on Windows, thanks to the DMG file. However, it is normal to run into errors when opening a DMG file, especially if the file has been corrupted or has not been completely downloaded on your device. If this is the case, you can try any of the three methods listed above to open the problematic DMG file.


Bob Savage <>

Python on a Macintosh running Mac OS X is in principle very similar to Python onany other Unix platform, but there are a number of additional features such asthe IDE and the Package Manager that are worth pointing out.


4.1. Getting and Installing MacPython¶

Mac OS X 10.8 comes with Python 2.7 pre-installed by Apple. If you wish, youare invited to install the most recent version of Python 3 from the Pythonwebsite ( A current “universal binary” build of Python,which runs natively on the Mac’s new Intel and legacy PPC CPU’s, is availablethere.

What you get after installing is a number of things:

  • A Python3.9 folder in your Applications folder. In hereyou find IDLE, the development environment that is a standard part of officialPython distributions; and PythonLauncher, which handles double-clicking Pythonscripts from the Finder.

  • A framework /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework, which includes thePython executable and libraries. The installer adds this location to your shellpath. To uninstall MacPython, you can simply remove these three things. Asymlink to the Python executable is placed in /usr/local/bin/.

The Apple-provided build of Python is installed in/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework and /usr/bin/python,respectively. You should never modify or delete these, as they areApple-controlled and are used by Apple- or third-party software. Remember thatif you choose to install a newer Python version from, you will havetwo different but functional Python installations on your computer, so it willbe important that your paths and usages are consistent with what you want to do.

IDLE includes a help menu that allows you to access Python documentation. If youare completely new to Python you should start reading the tutorial introductionin that document.

If you are familiar with Python on other Unix platforms you should read thesection on running Python scripts from the Unix shell.

4.1.1. How to run a Python script¶

Your best way to get started with Python on Mac OS X is through the IDLEintegrated development environment, see section The IDE and use the Help menuwhen the IDE is running.

If you want to run Python scripts from the Terminal window command line or fromthe Finder you first need an editor to create your script. Mac OS X comes with anumber of standard Unix command line editors, vim andemacs among them. If you want a more Mac-like editor,BBEdit or TextWrangler from Bare Bones Software (see are good choices, as isTextMate (see Other editors includeGvim ( and Aquamacs(

To run your script from the Terminal window you must make sure that/usr/local/bin is in your shell search path.

To run your script from the Finder you have two options:

  • Drag it to PythonLauncher

  • Select PythonLauncher as the default application to open yourscript (or any .py script) through the finder Info window and double-click it.PythonLauncher has various preferences to control how your script islaunched. Option-dragging allows you to change these for one invocation, or useits Preferences menu to change things globally.

4.1.2. Running scripts with a GUI¶

With older versions of Python, there is one Mac OS X quirk that you need to beaware of: programs that talk to the Aqua window manager (in other words,anything that has a GUI) need to be run in a special way. Use pythonwinstead of python to start such scripts.

With Python 3.9, you can use either python or pythonw.

4.1.3. Configuration¶

Python on OS X honors all standard Unix environment variables such asPYTHONPATH, but setting these variables for programs started from theFinder is non-standard as the Finder does not read your .profile or.cshrc at startup. You need to create a file~/.MacOSX/environment.plist. See Apple’s Technical Document QA1067 fordetails.

For more information on installation Python packages in MacPython, see sectionInstalling Additional Python Packages.

4.2. The IDE¶

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MacPython ships with the standard IDLE development environment. A goodintroduction to using IDLE can be found at

4.3. Installing Additional Python Packages¶

There are several methods to install additional Python packages:

  • Packages can be installed via the standard Python distutils mode (pythonsetup.pyinstall).

  • Many packages can also be installed via the setuptools extensionor pip wrapper, see

4.4. GUI Programming on the Mac¶

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There are several options for building GUI applications on the Mac with Python.

PyObjC is a Python binding to Apple’s Objective-C/Cocoa framework, which isthe foundation of most modern Mac development. Information on PyObjC isavailable from

The standard Python GUI toolkit is tkinter, based on the cross-platformTk toolkit ( An Aqua-native version of Tk is bundled with OSX by Apple, and the latest version can be downloaded and installed from; it can also be built from source.

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wxPython is another popular cross-platform GUI toolkit that runs natively onMac OS X. Packages and documentation are available from

PyQt is another popular cross-platform GUI toolkit that runs natively on MacOS X. More information can be found at

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4.5. Distributing Python Applications on the Mac¶

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The standard tool for deploying standalone Python applications on the Mac ispy2app. More information on installing and using py2app can be foundat

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4.6. Other Resources¶

The MacPython mailing list is an excellent support resource for Python users anddevelopers on the Mac:

Another useful resource is the MacPython wiki: